We only follow Nature in our arts

The legacy of NODUS, or What does the "NODUS" mean?

The need and unbearable desire to create something important and new, in the essence and in the form, made the ground for Nodus foundation. Besides, we have inherited an invaluable heritage of challenging thoughts and deeds, radical opinions and ways of uncommon vision of fixed things and points of view from our predecessors.

We needed a certain compass or even an anchor in order not to lose the sense of reality and the ground under our feet, not to spoil our legacy or ruin ourselves, becoming too much proud or considering ourselves those, who we have never been and will not be.

We needed our own well-grounded and steadfast position, our own philosophy and the concept of everything, that will further develop under the name of "NODUS".

And we created this, i.e made from a huge constructor of knowledge, wisdom, experience and intuition.

Now we have our own motto, the slogan, the concept, the policy and the strategy.

We have dynamic and autonomous structure, authentic form and considerable presence in the applied medical practice.

It is the NODUS® brand.

So the NODUS centre was born. NODUS that absorbed in itself all the essence and completeness from the word “nodus”, as follows:

Nodus (lat.) - the knot, the place where the main paths intersect, the place of accumulation, the concentration of the important, the structure that all binds together
Nodus – the protection on the handle of a spear or a sword of a warrior, which breaks through to victory.
Nodus – the hub that controls and manages the network and processes
Nodus – the complex interweaving of events and phenomena
Nodus – the reliable connection of functionally related separate parts of the whole
Nodus – the special architecture and cluster of highly specialized nerve cells, possessing even different polar functions
Nodus – the formation, where the cells of the immune system learn to maintain our biological individuality and uniqueness

«Do not tie the knot with one hand» as our tutors used to say. Hence, we based our teamwork in rehabilitation of patients at NODUS.

In addition, it was often heard in the operating room from my mentor Dr.Vaschenko I.M .: "Not a big knot, but firmly tightened", "Without a knot and forty yards, lacing torn."

These words sound for us forever.

However, returning to the origins, to decisive turns of fate, I also want to mention another valuable heritage - the legacy of the private company "Zanna". It was “ZANNA” which became the test ground and the research and search platform, on which we first successfully tested non-standard and advanced approaches to, at first glance, the incomprehensible, abstract, theorized, rigidly segmented, but unifying neuroscience as a neuro-rehabilitation.

We have received a strong motivational appeal to create an example of the innovative neuro clinics of a single complete cycle of medical care, the brightest representative of medicine of the third millennium, using the intellectual potential and mental capabilities of health care professionals, organization and management of health care, the deepest fundamental base of unique ideas and approaches of domestic neurophysiologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons and, of course, various technologies, high technologies, multi-vector developments and applied achievements, available to us at any time.

Dr Olexander KULYK, NODUS Founder & Director

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!